Survey Says 54% of American Women Prefer Circumcised Penis

Article and video here. (NSFW: The recorded discussion among the women is explicit.) Excerpt:

'Pro-circumcision groups got a boost with the results of a survey made by on female preference in terms of having the foreskin of their male partners cut or not.

The study found 54 per cent of American women favoured a circumcised penis, 33 per cent don't have any preference, 3 per cent opted for an uncircumcised dick and 10 per cent did not reply.

The survey has 1,000 adult female American respondents from age 18 and above.

Explaining the results of the study, Dr Kat Van Kirk, resident sexpert of - vendor of adult products - said, quoted by Digital Times, "Circumcision is largely a cultural choice. With circumcision prevalent in the U.S. (as well as the Muslim world, Africa and Israel), many American women have never been exposed to an uncircumcised penis."'

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Imagine a small group of men sitting around talking about how much more they like women who have had some kind of genitalia flesh reduction, thereby making it in some way more pleasant to have sex with them. And this would be considered a good thing, a "boost" to the pro-FGM/labiaplasty crowd?

So we live in a patriarchy that subjugates women, yet it's fine for parts of boys' and/or men's genitalia to be cut off because 54% of women (well, according to a sex toy maker's survey, anyway) just plain like it better.

And did you notice the picture and caption of the "mass circumcision event" held in Manila, mid-way down the page and at the left? Imagine the same image, only with men doing something like that to 1,500 adolescent girls? Can you just imagine the howling?

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