Democrats resurrect War on Women messaging

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the upcoming Working Families summit at the White House and in speeches around the country, Obama will expand the economic argument focused on women to stress workplace protections, expanded pregnancy leave and strengthening leave policies to allow for care of sick children. The DCCC and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee are preparing to mount efforts focused on pay equity as the centerpiece of a larger economic argument targeting women.
The logic is simple: Democrats tend to win elections when more women vote, and women tend not to vote as much in midterm years. Those numbers are even higher, in both respects, among unmarried women, who also tend to respond the most strongly to the economic appeal. With Democrats trying to hold onto the Senate, make gains in the House and win several key governor’s races, they need women showing up at the polls and voting for them in numbers that defy those trends.
Of course, the president’s aides are aware of the politics, too: This is a proven, persuasive argument for them, and the messaging heading into the midterms isn’t a mistake. They eagerly point out that the section of his State of the Union built around the line, “I believe when women succeed, America succeeds,” received the most sustained applause of his whole speech and acknowledge that he’s not ad-libbing every time he’s included a mention of what his agenda means for women in nearly every speech since.'

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