SAVE: Campus ‘Rape Culture’ Crusade: Fueled by Emotion and Myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wellesley College in Massachusetts has become embroiled in controversy over a statue – an artistic rendition of a sleep-walking man clad in his underwear (shown on the right). Hundreds of frightened students have signed a petition demanding removal of the sculpture because they say it conjures up fears of sexual assault.
The Wellesley incident is one of many across the nation where accusations of “rape culture” are having the effect of stripping due process protections from the accused. In California, a bill has been introduced that would require both partners to affirmatively consent before having sex. One Dartmouth administrator went so far as to ask, “Why could we not expel a student based [solely] on an allegation?”

Much of the frenzy can be traced to a White House Council on Women and Girls report that claims one in five women are raped sometime in their lives. But this factoid doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
Crime rates for rape, robbery, and assault have fallen dramatically in the past two decades. Still, sexual assault is a problem on our campuses.

But inflating the numbers, inducing a state of near-panic, and ignoring the problem of false allegations only serves to waste scarce criminal justice resources and harm the credibility of real victims.'

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That statue is indeed creepy. And uuuggglllyyy! Sorry, but I likes me art to be pleasing on the eye. A similar statue representing a near-naked woman in that position well past her prime (like the male manifest in this statue) is hardly art for more than 5 secs. If I had to look at either every day on my way to class, I'd sincerely hope it somehow disappeared one day, sooner vs. later.

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That statue is actually demeaning to men, if you think about it. It conjures up the worst images of men as unattractive potential sexual predators. But you don't see that angle being discussed in the MSM, as it's not politically correct. It's only the women's perspective that seems to count.

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