Student Senate fights to eliminate Title IX and non-revenue sports fee

Story here. Excerpt:

University of Kansas students are required to pay the semesterly $25 student fee to offset travel expenses for women’s and non-revenue sports. Students pay between $1.2 and $1.3 million annually to the athletic department fund through the current fee.

The Senate’s responsibility to help finance Title IX, a federal law, was a main question of senators. Tetwiler pointed to the Senate’s earlier decision to forgo funding a federally required accessibility ramp at Strong Hall. The Senate questioned if students should pay for the University to meet government standards.

“Our opinion is that that’s not a responsibility of student fees,” Tetwiler said.

The committee recommended two different options to a separate Student Senate Fee Review Committee: That the student fee be eliminated entirely, or that the fee be lowered from $25 a semester to $20.'

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... the students will pay. It just won't be line itemed anymore, that's all. "Money is money is money," as I like to say. It's like clean water. It doesn't matter in what bucket it's kept or what label's on the bucket. That's why I find the word "budget" laughable, esp. when $ is in different "buckets" but the same person has power to spend the $ in all if them.

Take from Peter, give to Paul. If Peter and Paul are the same dudes, does it matter?

These students will discover these illusion-shattering realities soon enough when they are unceremoniously dumped into the "real world" of miserable job prospects and crushing student loan debt. Have fun, kids!

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