Student group decides saying "yes" to sex isn't enough

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the hazards of youthful idealism is that one can easily verge over into naive self-righteousness. So I should have been prepared for the latest project of StudentsNS, a collection of Nova Scotia university student associations, around sexual consent.

But this new initiative is so overflowing with gormless self-congratulation that even I was stunned.

Embarrassed by the national attention gained during last year’s Saint Mary’s frosh debacle, where students eagerly indulged in a chant making light of sex without consent, advocacy group StudentsNS has determined that its position on consenting to sex will be so clear and unambiguous, they have inadvertently jettisoned all sense of logic. From now on, according to their new site it is no longer enough for a sexual partner to agree to sex. Even clear consent is not enough. No, from now on the standard is—I can still scarcely believe it—enthusiasm. In a jaw-dropping graphic on its homepage, the campaign proudly asserts that “Sex without enthusiastic consent is not sex at all. It is sexual assault or rape.'

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