The Feminist Has Two Faces

Article here. Excerpt:

'Given that zero allegations have been brought against Justice Thomas in his 23-year tenure on the Supreme Court and positive endorsements from his female staff, including Laura Ingraham, I think the Senate deeming Hill's testimony "inconclusive" was the appropriate decision. The released phone records indicating Anita Hill had, in fact, called Thomas several times after departing the EEOC raises the biggest doubt for her side of the story.

On March 14 of this year, nearly 23-years after the hearings, and 33-years after the alleged offense, the Tinseltown feminist elite will release a new documentary called Anita that will undoubtedly present Anita Hill as an unrequited saint, sacrificed before an altar of male dominance. The film's trailer and poster accompanied by the tagline "Speaking Truth to Power" confirms that speculation. ...
By attempting to downplay the film’s obvious mission of discrediting the only black conservative Justice to ever serve on the Supreme Court, the feminist left has billed this "documentary" as an exposé on the hardships women face when bringing sexual harassment charges to light, as stated by Eboni Williams on Fox's Megyn Kelly last Thursday.

There is cause for skepticism. After all, these are the same women who howl at the moon over invisible "glass ceilings" of male hegemony and then proceed to railroad Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann in their run for higher office. Anita stems from their two-faced modus operandi - seeking to consolidate power for the feminist elite by libeling their (right-wing) male counterparts as "sexist" for defending and applauding men like Clarence Thomas. “Raise awareness for sexual harassment” usually means "raise awareness for sexual harassment by conservatives.”
The feminist Tinseltown elite will never commit such boorish treatment of women to celluloid. Just as long as the above men in question willingly inculcate the masses into voting on such meaningless, empty-headed slogans like "equal pay for equal work," "78 cents for every dollar," and "reproductive rights." This, of course, being the same feminist elite who felt not the slightest queasiness giving Oscar accolades to known sexual predators Roman Polanski and Woody Allen.

The feminists' about-face portrayal as moral crusaders against patriarchal oppression while caring nothing for a woman's sanctity and much for cementing totalitarian rule reminds me of an illustration by C. Allan Gilbert called All is Vanity, in which, the viewer's eyes immediately discern a drawing of a beautiful young woman admiring herself in the mirror before the viewer realizes the artist's visual trickery at work as the woman fades into the haunting, ghostly image of a hollowed skull... The face of modern feminism.'

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