Heart Awareness Month: For Women Only?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If that wasn’t enough celebration jammed into the shortest month of the year, February is also American Heart Month. Twenty-eight days or so designated in 1964 by President Johnson’s signed decree to commemorate the organ that tirelessly pumps every red-blooded American’s American red blood. On top of that, someone recently decided that was too general, and now this is also “Women’s Heart Awareness Month.” Females from sea to shining sea are urged to be aware of their heart.

Guys… We’re on our own. Of the 700,000 or so deaths each year in this country attributed to heart disease, two-thirds of them are men. And yet women’s hearts get all the awareness. Guys have hearts. Their hearts need awareness, too. I’m aware of my heart, acutely aware… Every twinge, every cramp or pain. I feel my pulse six, seven times a day.

Maybe they figure guys have other organs we’d rather be aware of. I hate to think it’s because guys’re considered expendable… Work thirty, forty years if you’re not laid off. Then keel over in a heap at our desk, unaware of your heart the whole time. Thank you, next! Slide him over; we need the chair.'

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