NPO: Give Washington Children Their Real Father: Pass SB5997

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, Brandon Jones, Chair, Executive Committee, National Parents Organization of Washington testified in front of the Washington Senate Committee on Law & Justice in support of SB 5997, an act relating to authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child. Senator Jan Angel is sponsoring the legislation on behalf of Washington’s children and National Parents Organization of Washington.

Help our Washington affiliate pass this important legislation for children and fathers in Washington. On the Washington State website you may support this legislation, whether or not you live in Washington. Your message will be sent to every state legislator.

Use this opportunity to commend Senator Jan Angel for giving Washington children access to their actual paternal fathers and extended Families and providing them an accurate Family medical history when the genetic paternal fathers are known, thus allowing physicians to better treat acute illnesses and prevent or prepare for genetic illnesses and conditions.'

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