Author seeking interviewees for book on men's and fathers' issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Professor Kenedy of York University in Toronto, Canada has been researching the fathers' rights, mens' rights, and shared parenting movement since 1990. He has written a book, academic articles, and presented various academic papers (see references below) on these social movements. He is working on a new book about the global fathers' rights, men's rights, and shared parenting movements and is interested in interviewing fathers, mothers, grandparents, adult children, and others who have been through separations and divorces. He would especially like to interview those who have been through the family law system and discuss the impact it had on them such as mental health, physical health, or other issues/consequences.
He will be in San Diego from Feb 16-18, 2014 and in Los Angeles from Feb 19-24, 2014. If you are interested in being interviewed for his book please e-mail him at'

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