Feminist Film: Violence Caused by (Surprise!) Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite skinny jeans, mocha latte and Chris Hayes, U.S. males still haven’t been adequately feminized. The tragic result: continued bloodshed in American society.

That’s the gist of a new documentary called “The Mask You Live In,” by feminist filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The focus of “The Mask” is the male population’s place in and relationship to American culture. Predictably, judging from the trailer and the film’s enthusiastic reception in left-leaning media, traditional masculinity is a leading cause of murder and mayhem.
The film also sites Michael Kimmel, left-wing author of “Angry White Men,” the latest in a long line of “scholarly” works that seeks to explain why white guys tend to be conservatives and why they’re prone to the kind of bigotry and violence they rarely end up actually being guilty of.'

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