Israel: Fathers' Activist Suing Haaretz over 'Defamation' by Feminist MK

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Israeli fathers' rights activist, Sharon Ben-Haim, is taking legal action against left-wing newspaper Haaretz for publishing what he claims are defamatory statements made by MK Orly Levy-Abekasis (Likud-Beytenu) in a recent Knesset session, against another prominent men's rights activist, Amir Shipperman.

The Knesset session was a stormy one, in which feminist MKs fought tooth and nail against a fellow feminist, MK Gila Gamliel (Likud-Beytenu), and fathers' activists, regarding initiatives to cancel the Tender Years' Doctrine that grants divorcing mothers automatic preference in child custody disputes.

According to the letter sent by Ben-Haim to Haaretz, MK Levy-Abekasis said during the public session, which was aired live on the Knesset Channel, that Shipperman had sent her an email containing a picture of a gun, and that she was frightened by this. Haaretz's reporter published an article stating that MK Levy-Abekasis is “frightened” because she received an email from a father with a picture of a gun, and that MK Aliza Lavie (Yesh Atid), who co-chaired the session with Levy-Abekasis, was also scared because she saw a picture of herself in a bikini on the internet.'

Also see a related story: MK Tells Fellow Feminists: Equality Costs -- Dep. Min. Gila Gamliel was shocked to find feminist MKs oppose equality when it comes to custody in divorce.

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