Fathers suffer under old domestic violence laws

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the 1980s, laws were put into place nationwide to protect women and children from abusive relationships. However, now the laws that once were instituted for the purpose of protecting women and children from abuse have morphed into a giant loophole to allow fraud and gross abuse of power. These laws made no provisions for men or fathers who have been victimized by domestic violence. Domestic violence against men has been largely ignored and has radically increased. Case in point, the murder of Travis Alexander by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Arias. This "loophole" has allowed vindictive women to use protective orders as a means to falsely report their child/ren's fathers accusing them of some form of domestic violence and/or falsely report allegations of sexual abuse.

Everyday there are good fathers who work hard and sacrifice for their children, yet they are experiencing one of the most tragic and heartbreaking injustices of our time. The mother's hatred for the child's father is far more powerful than the love for their children. This hatred is spiraling out of control in our family courts and thousands of men in our state and hundreds of thousands nationwide are being brought up against false allegations of abuse and losing their children. Family courts are overburdened and women are hell-bent on making sure the fathers of their children never have a relationship with their kids. This in itself is child abuse of the most tragic form. Even more tragically, the court system is helping this to happen and soon we will be a nation of fatherless children.'

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"In the 1980s, laws were put into place nationwide to protect women and children from abusive relationships."

VAWA has never protected children, and has always put women first. Still didn't as of the time I did the bellow examination (about 2 years ago)

VAWA's STOP funding guidelines for several states (I only checked a few, but all I checked had it), specifically prohibits programs applying for funding to exclusively benefit children...
For those that actually believe VAWA is intended to help children...
Hawaii VAWA STOP funding guidlines.
Page 2-6
Section 2 Service Specifications
I. Introduction
G. Limitations on STOP Program Funding
"Children’s services supported by STOP Program funds must show an inextricable link and be the direct result of providing services to an adult victim of violence against women."

Louisiana STOP VAWA application instructions
Page VAWA-4
General Funding Information
Funding Priorities
Prohibited Activities or Uses of Funds
"Prohibited Activities or Uses of Funds
6: Supporting Services that focus exclusively on children"

Kentucky ARRA & VAWA STOP Formula Grant Guidelines
Page 13 of 30
Administrative Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
Additional Considerations
"Children’s services supported with the funds must be a direct result of providing services to an adult primary victim. VAWA grant funds may not be used to support services that focus exclusively on children …"

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