University Student Defends "White Male Lynching Art Project"

Article here.

'An African American art student at Sacramento State University, Christina Edwards, is defending her art project, which features two white males dangling from a tree with nooses around their necks.

"The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impact me and my community as a whole," Edwards said. The student used real men in her project, which divided opinions among fellow students.'

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I don't really see anything wrong with the method of her message, as it clearly got peoples attention and forced people to think. That said though, her message itself is rather outdated and overly focused on her own biases, and I think THAT will stick in peoples craw most of all. It's like advocating against making black people sit at the back of the bus in todays societies, where it is men, not blacks, that are specifically excluded from riding in certain train cars.

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Sometimes, when white people are vilified for racism,images of white men standing around a noosed black man are shown.

And in a majority of these cases, these black men were noosed for rape (and almost always -- false rape).

I have always wondered why women do not take more blame. For if those men were noosed for rape, someone had to have first falsely accused them. If this "artist" were honest, she would have shown a white women also noosed. In view of what history has done to black people, I would like have not objected to that.

But I suppose even this artist was restrained by society's view that you can hurt men (in artistic demonstrations), but you can never ever hurt a women -- even when women were the one's falsely accusing black men of rape.

(Incidentally, I also think it is a Machiavellian ploy by feminists never to raise this issue. In many current instances, I see women continuing to advance feminism by linking society's treatment of minorities with that of THEIR deluded view of how men treated women. Feminists have taken control of the racial argument and inserted women into the field of victims in order to advance their cause. And one way they do this is to always show images of white men standing around a noosed black man. Next time, you see such an image, read the fineprint and look up the case -- invariably it stemmed from a false rape accusation. And then wonder why an image of that women who did the accusing is not also shown. I wish a men's rights group would fund an African American academic scholar to reserach this.)

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