UK: Father climbs shopping centre in protest

Originally, this story was found here. But now mysteriously, it has vanished! It is not even in the Google cache indexed to the published URL. However it looks like it was snagged by at least one scrapers before it was pulled. Part of it can still be seen here. Bots and scrapers: The web's #1 defense against post-facto imposed- and self-censorship alike!

'A TUNBRIDGE Wells dad caused a stir this afternoon when he appeared on the top of a shopping centre.

Father-of-one Marcus Riley, of Rusthall, was protesting for the right to see his one-year-old daughter, Lacie.

Dressed as Father Christmas and waving a 'Fathers for Justice' banner, he scaled Royal Victoria Place's multi-storey carpark at 11:50 this morning.

At midday, he appeared on the roof at the entrance opposite coffee shop Pret A Manger.

During his demonstration, a woman stood in the road...'

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