The women behind the throne in North Korea's 'empire of horror'

Article here. By no means do I suggest the regime leaders of N. Korea have merely been puppets of controlling mothers, wives, aunts, etc., any more than I'd suggest the Nazi leaders were being controlled by the infamous "women of the Third Reich". I am however pointing out that regimes of any kind, be they murderous dictatorships or relatively benign republics, require the active participation of everyone at or near the top-- regardless of sex. The impression that evil gov'ts are purely a consequence of the machinations of evil men isn't true. Evil women are also necessary. Excerpt:

'In the scant collection of carefully-staged photos that emerge from North Korea, Jang Song-thaek was everywhere.

At the funeral of Kim Jong-il, marching directly behind Kim Jong-un, the newly anointed Dear Leader; on an escalator, visiting a shopping centre to glorify the triumph of the regime; dressed in the uniform of a full general whispering words of wisdom into the ear of the world’s youngest head of state.

Now Jang, Mr Kim’s uncle and one of North Korea’s most powerful men, has been erased.

The reclusive communist state confirmed his execution on Thursday. The 30-year-old Mr Kim, it appeared, was demonstrating in no uncertain terms who really ran the show.

But another tantalising suggestion is crystallising. Was Jang’s death by firing squad a sign that the real power behind the throne lies with the two women in Mr Kim’s life?

"The final decision on Jang Song-thaek was made by Kim Jong-un and Jang’s wife, Kim Kyung-hui," said Lee Yun-keol, the head of the North Korea Strategic Information Service Centre, based in Seoul. "Jang was chosen as a prey by his wife and nephew to maintain the Kim dynasty regime."'

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