Student suspended for a year for hugging teacher

Story here. Remember: It's OK for female teachers to "have sex with" underage male students. However if one of those students hugs a teacher, it's curtains. Excerpt:

'A Duluth High School senior has been suspended for one year and won't graduate on time for hugging a teacher last month.

Sam McNair, 17, was suspended last week when a school hearing officer found he violated the Gwinnett County Public Schools' rules on sexual harassment.

"Something so innocent can be perceived as something totally opposite," said McNair.

A video of the hug, captured by a surveillance camera, shows McNair enter a room, place his arms around the back and front of the teacher and tuck his head behind her neck.

According to a discipline report, the teacher alleged McNair's cheeks and lips touched the back of her neck and cheek.

McNair denied he kissed his teacher or sexually harassed her.

McNair said he regularly hugs his teachers and has never been disciplined for it in the past.

According to the discipline report, the teacher alleged she warned McNair that hugs were inappropriate but he disputes that.'

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Really, what else is there to say.

I've been hugged by both men and women. And sometimes, in that moment of actual *physical contact* (gasp!), it's entirely possible for one or both of the hugger's cheek(s) or lips touch the actual skin (again, *gasp*!) of the other hugger.

This is called, wait for it, "affectionate human contact". It's been going on for countless millenia. It happens between people of the same sex, regardless of their sexualities. It happens between people of the opposite sex, regardless of their sexualities. In fact, I myself, personally, Mr. Straight White Guy, yet I myself have in fact hugged and kissed straight women and *gasp* LESBIANS, and you know what? They've hugged and kissed me back! And they've never charged me with "sexual harassment," either! Possibly because, well, 1) They weren't bonkers and 2) I wasn't "sexually harassing" them, but exchanging mere human affection! Can you believe it??! Alert the damned press!

I've also hugged and cheek-kissed other men, too, *gasp* GAY and straight. And at no time has any of those guys accused me of sexually harassing them, nor do I think they ever intended to do anything like that to me.

As for kisses on the back of the neck, well, it's possible that a hugger/huggee can mis-align and when hugger-kisser goes to plant one, he/she gets the back of the neck of the huggee/kissee, esp. if the huggee/kissee is shorter and generally smaller. So yeah, that can happen, and it can be a perfectly innocent miscalculation. But I will admit that by and large, at least here in western culture, kisses on the back of the neck are generally considered too intimate to be considered merely friendly. Unless it's FWB stuff. :)

Anyway, this is just a further example of how nuts things have gotten. I am SO glad I am not a boy in high school these days. Soooo glad.

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appreciate the irony inherent in the fact that this took place in Duluth. That city is the birthplace of anti-male bias, including of course the infamous Duluth Model (the DV model which makes the ridiculous claim that ~95% of domestic violence is by men against women, and the remaining 5% is by women against men, but only in response to violence). I can't help but wonder if this area of the U.S. is more anti-male than others.

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