UK: 4-YO boy has same IQ as Einstein

Story here. Excerpt:

'A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.

Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.

It's the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.

Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.

He spoke his first words aged just 10 months and has been amazing his parents, teachers and doctors ever since.'

Related story: Boy genius diagnosed with autism has IQ higher than Einstein. Excerpt:

'As a child, doctors told Jacob Barnett’s parents that their autistic son would probably never know how to tie his shoes.

But experts say the 14-year-old Indiana prodigy has an IQ higher than Einstein’s and is on the road to winning a Nobel Prize. He’s given TedX talks and is working toward a master’s degree in quantum physics.

The key, according to mom Kristine Barnett, was letting Jacob be himself — by helping him study the world with wide-eyed wonder instead of focusing on a list of things he couldn’t do.

Diagnosed with moderate to severe autism at the age of 2, Jacob spent years in the clutches of a special education system that didn’t understand what he needed. His teachers at school would try to dissuade Kristine from hoping to teach Jacob any more than the most basic skills.'

Take that, Albert! =)

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