Rally to urge men to help stop domestic violence

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'Gainesville-area men will be asked on Saturday to join efforts to eradicate domestic violence at a rally that also launches a group called M.O.B., or Men on Board Against Domestic Violence.
"If (most) domestic violence victims are women, that means the men are the perpetrators, so how do we stop this," Hickmon said. "We need men speaking men's language to talk about domestic violence."

Duncan said he is involved with M.O.B. because he knows there are a lot of young men who have been raised without fathers in the home and who have witnessed domestic violence and domestic abuse.

"As a result, they have patterned their behavior after that, and when they enter into relationships with young women, they don't know how to respect a woman and they resort to the behavior they are familiar with to resolve issues," Duncan said.

Duncan said some men need to be taught how to respect and honor women because they have never been taught to do so. He has a program called Innovative Dads at his church that teaches men how to love, respect and honor women.'

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