Australia: Clinical Research Fellowship - Testosterone for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Adelaide Uni

Link here. Excerpt:

'We seek a registered medical practitioner interested in acquiring or further developing clinical research skills. An opportunity exists to enrol for a higher degree and/or obtain clinical experience in a relevant specialty.

In this role you will participate in the screening, enrolment and supervision of participants in the NHMRC funded “Trial of Testosterone for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in at Risk Men (T4DM)”. This trial will determine whether testosterone treatment, in addition to a lifestyle modification program, prevents progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes in overweight or obese men over the age of 50 years and with relatively low testosterone levels.

You will work in collaboration with other personnel involved in this trial, including the Clinical Trial Coordinator, and Chief Investigators.

Position Requirements

You should have:

A Medical degree;
Registration with the Medical Board of Australia.'

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