By law, Swedish men are 2nd class citizens

Article here. Excerpt:

'On December 20, on AVfM Radio Program, a caller said that men and women are treated more equally in Europe and mentioned Sweden and Switzerland as the prominent examples.

Although I am sure that it was not the caller’s intention to spread disinformation, at least as far as Sweden is concerned, I beg to differ on that statement big time.

As a Swedish speaker and a connoisseur of the misandric matriarchal society of the gender utopia called Sweden, I took the liberty to look through the Swedish laws and translate some of them in order to make the readers get an idea of how it is to be a man in Sweden.

The rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law, in contrast to the idea that the ruler is above the law, like by divine grace or right (like in Denmark, Spain, etc.). So, in theory, it should not matter whether you are a king .., because, at the end of the day, if you break the law you are still being held accountable.
But in reality, men are discriminated against in Sweden since the laws are written. They are not even pretending otherwise.

Let’s analyze some of the Swedish laws.'

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