The attack on the 'Nurturing Knight'

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the ways International Mens Day was celebrated, on Tuesday 19 November 2013, was by holding a Men and Fathers' Strategic Roundtable at Parliament House, Canberra. During the lunchbreak Carolyn Managh from M&C Saatchi released The Modern [Aussie] Man Whitepaper to Australia. The White Paper was the result of eight months of one-on-one interviews with 140 men Australia-wide, aged primarily between 27 to 55 years. The report is 68 pages long but let me give you a few highlights.
Reports on the release were featured in the Financial Review and in NineMSN in a relatively positive way. One feminist writer wrote a great article in the Women's Agenda in anticipation of the white paper release but radical feminist writers in, the Sydney Morning Herald, theDaily Life and the Chifley blog site tore into the Modern [Aussie] Man whitepaper making mince meat of Australian men in the process. The misrepresentations and attacks on the whitepaper findings prove that the concept 'all men are bastards' is still alive and well in some sections of Australia's media.

What has really surprised me is the vigour of the attack on The Modern Aussie Man from some of our Feminist friends in the academic and media world. You see every time they attack this white paper they are actually attacking modern Aussie men and the heartfelt aspirations of the average Aussie man. One of those aspirations as shown by the white paper is gender equality. How quaint?
It seems that equality is only skin deep for those who express their hate for manhood so voraciously. Their hypocrisy can be seen by all, as famous Australian feminist Germaine Greer was wont to say, "Testosterone is a poison."'

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