Barbara Kay: ‘Be it resolved we live in a misandric society’

Article here. Excerpt:

'One thing feminists cannot complain about with a straight face is a lack of respectful public attention for women’s issues. Last week the prestigious Munk Debates mounted an event around “the end of men.” Four well-known women writers debated the resolution, “Be it resolved that men are obsolete.”

Can you imagine a public debate on whether Muslims, natives, or even sharks and polar bears are worthy of continued existence? No. Only men are accorded that dubious honour. Although by most accounts – certainly those I talked to who attended – it wasn’t even entertaining. Montreal radio talk show host Supriya Dwivedi tweeted, “I was [at the Munk debate] and was speechless at how ridiculous it was.”
Women, because the organizers thought it had to be all women pundits, because even brainy women are too fragile intellectually to duke it out in a real debate with respected masculinist participants like Harvard University professor Harvey Mansfield, author of the 2006 Manliness or male-rights activist Warren Farrell?

Or men, because it was clear that victory for the feminist side was a foregone conclusion (as indeed happened), and that male-bashing as an evening’s entertainment is not only permissible, but the kind of performance theatre our chattering classes will pay good money to see?

I can’t think of a better topic for discussion at, say, a men’s centre. Moreover, if the Munk debate committee would like to arrange a debate around the proposition, “Be it resolved we live in a misandric society,” I am available.'

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