NPO: Justice Department ‘Reforming’ Family Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday, November 12, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the selection of four family courts to participate in the “Family Court Enhancement Project.” The purpose of the Family Court Enhancement Project is to alter family court practice and procedures when domestic violence and/or child abuse is alleged in child custody proceedings. The courts are located in Illinois, Oregon, Minnesota and Delaware.

The Family Court Enhancement Project is a joint project of the Office on Violence against Women, which is part of the Department of Justice; the Battered Women’s Justice Project; the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges; and the National Institute for Justice. In the words of the press release issued on Tuesday, the Family Court Enhancement Project “is designed to determine what family court procedures, practices and structures related to custody and visitation can help keep victims of domestic violence and their children safe from further violence and trauma.”'

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