Westminster College Alumni Give $1 Million For Single Mother Scholarship & Athletics

Story here. Excerpt:

'Westminster College announces a generous $1 million gift from Ann and Anthony (Tony) Merritt to establish the Tony and Ann Merritt Single Mother Scholarship Fund, the Merritt Athletic Excellence Fund and the Merritt Endowed Athletic Fund.
Throughout his career, Merritt truly believed that educating women and mothers provided benefits for everyone in the family. “Tony wanted to help single moms achieve their dream of an education because he believed that helping the mother positively impacts the children,” said Ann Merritt. “Additionally, we also wanted to provide a gift that would help Westminster grow its sports programs to a level of excellence that mirrors its academic programs.”

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Suppose a rich woman would ever start an endowed scholarship fund at a college for impecunious single dads?

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I commend the Merritt's for their generosity, but wouldn't it be nice if single fathers were eligible for the scholarship too? I have a male colleague with 3 children he raises on his own. My fiance was also raised by a single dad. It's not just mom's education that benefit's the family, you know. Besides, where I live, there are 5 times as many women only as male only scholarships. Why not make it for single parents in general instead?

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