SAVE E-lert: Tell U of Texas' Title IX Coordinator That Fear Mongering Doesn't Stop Rape

When it comes to advocating for abuse victims, we believe in telling the truth. But there are others who that think there is absolutely nothing wrong with making outrageous claims to advance an agenda.

One of those people is Jennifer Hammat, Title IX coordinator for the University of Texas.

While being interviewed for The Daily Texan, Hammat made the statement, "We should be seeing 12,500 cases a year," while discussing unreported sexual assaults of students.

Seriously, Jennifer? 250-300 rapes or sexual assaults per week, just on your campus? PARENTS, GET YOUR KIDS OFF THE UT CAMPUS!!!

Ms. Hammat is exaggerating, of course. Her campus doesn't have 15% of all of the rapes and sexual assaults in the country. But that lie was for a good cause, right?

Tell Jennifer Hammat, "Fear Mongering Doesn't Stop Rape" Here's her email address:

Jennifer Hammat needs to issue a new statement, one with the real facts and figures about sexual assault and rape on the UT campus.

Thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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