Russia: Feminist Corruption, and its Contribution to Sexism and Reverse-Sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent two controversial cases about the decision of the European Commission to propose the 40% quota for women on company boards by 2020 and about the call by some female tennis players to ask men to lower their level of play from 5 sets to 3 (for gender equality) reveals how far the contemporary campaign for gender equality has gone to the extreme and contributed not only to the perpetuation of "old" sexism against women but also to the creation of "new" sexism against men (or what I called "reverse sexism" in my previous publications), with both oppressive and suppressive impacts on society in the longer term.
And the second reason is that the feminists like to blame their failures on men, that is, on "social" and "cultural" factors for male overachievement, but "such factors have not been found to have an effect...that lasts to adulthood" on a permanent basis (BNN 79). This then means that whenever women do not do well in certain areas (like leadership, mathematics, martial arts, construction works, elite commandos, etc.), they do not focus on their own "self-responsibility," quickly use men as the "punching bag," and then go on to beg society for "entitlement" (or "preferential treatment"). But when women do better than men in other areas (like nursing, social counseling, child care, etc.), they take all the credit for their successes. If any man disagrees with them, the feminists would automatically label him as "sexist" without bothering to defend it in a rational debate. And when a man presents scientific evidences to back up his argument, these feminists would simply dismiss them as "socially constructed" while immediately accepting their feminist (often polemic) version of so-called evidences as "true" without any critical question asked.
What separates humans from animals is that the former can come up with new ideas (ideals) to create a whole new world, but all too often in history, in the name of these ideals, both society and culture end up being so messed up to the point that the promised new world becomes so oppressive and suppressive instead, to the indignation of the posterity in future history.

Does anyone still remember "the Cultural Revolution" for equality in China during the 1960s and 1970s, when men and women even dressed alike, to the point that this chapter of Chinese history is now known as "the lost generation"? When ideology goes to the extreme and denies all relevant facts or evidences (as "socially constructed"), people and society will suffer in the longer term -- as reality can only be ignored or dismissed for so long, before it will return with a vengeance in the future.'

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