Three Reasons Divorce Is Harder On Men Than Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It turns out that in the age-old battle of the sexes, men seem to be having a more difficult time coping with the dissolution of a marriage. According to a recent study from the Journal of Men's Health, divorced men are more susceptible to heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes than married men are — in addition to being 39 percent more likely to commit suicide and engage in risky behavior.
They Lose Their Sense Of Identity "My key breakthrough was realizing that I was defining myself with respect to my marriage," said Denbaum. Even with multiple degrees and a successful career, he found himself lost in the process of his divorce. "I made the marriage the be all and end all, and when I saw that crumbling, I felt like my identity was crumbling."
Their Paternal Instinct Is Challenged "For me, family has always been important," says Denbaum. "I grew up in a happy family, and I never doubted for a minute that I would get married and raise one of my own. I think just as there are maternal instincts in women, there is a paternal instinct in men." He describes part of this paternal instinct as a longing to belong with the status quo, and to be a provider.
They Don't Allow Themselves To Grieve Properly "Bottling up feelings with no outlet leads men to experience feelings of depression," said Denbaum. "As someone with no biological predisposition, I definitely think that the breakup of my marriage brought me to experience physiological problems like high blood pressure and mental ones like my battle with depression at the time."'

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