The Dawn of Male Equality in Europe

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oct. 29, 2013 — A fumbling men's movement is dawning in Europe, there is a widespread concern about boys' academic performance in school, and child custody and breakups are controversial issues.

"It was surprising to see that the discussion concerning boys' role as academic losers in school was found in all the countries covered by this study," says Elli Scambor who is one of the near forty scholars who have participated in the EU report The role of men in gender equality.
"And the school as a feminized institution was identified as the main problem."

Although research shows that more boys than girls drop out of school and that their academic performance is slightly poorer than the girls', it also shows that class and migration background is as important as gender when one tries to explain these differences.
However, this is the first time that men's situation has been summarized on such a wide basis, especially in terms of work, family, care and health. The fact that this has been put on the agenda in Europe is both new and important.
However, the researchers found signs of dawning male movements in all the 31 countries which have been examined; England and Sweden are in the lead, each having 24 male organizations.

"Many of them focus on child custody after breakups, on boys as losers in the education system and on the influence of feminism on men," says Scambor.'

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