Bad teaching causes girls to fail at school, not male classmates

Article here. Excerpt:

'Belinda Parmar wrote this week that all-girls schools are good for young women because they remove the pressure to conform to gender stereotypes and the sexism that she believes is rife in co-educational secondaries. I have to disagree.
And yet the mixed-sex sports lessons, sex education classes and all those other subjects didn't just deposit us rudely on the other side of our A-levels, they helped us to form opinions about the world, recognise differences and grow into well-rounded people.

Because actually, while some of the results in my school were poor, this was probably down to lack of career advice and bad teaching, not because I sat next to rowdy boys in my chemistry class. I'd say poor teaching was the reason that I didn't get enthused about IT and tech, not that I felt as if I couldn't compete.
To assume that children are born with a gendered view of the world, and that the answer is to separate them and teach them in single-sex schools, is defeatist. Yes, society today may have a problem with stereotyping and discrimination, but the next generation must be given the chance to prove those who went before them wrong. If we provide them with the tools to examine the world fairly, they will.'

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