Founder of influential economic and financial analysis firm says drop in male enrollment is not a big deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'There will always be those who say the decline in male college enrollment is “not a big deal.” It is especially unfortunate when the president and founder of an economic and financial analysis firm who is regularly cited by the mainstream media says it.

According to his website, Dr. Ray Perryman is the founder of Perryman Group (an “economic and financial analysis firm”), is “cited by major media as ‘a world-class scholar,’ is ‘the most quoted man in Texas,’” and is a senior research fellow at the Institute of the University of Texas. He has also authored thousands of academic articles, trade articles, and presentations collectively.

He has written an article titled “Making sense of college enrollment decline” wherein he argues that the drop in male college enrollment isn’t really that bad. This article has been cited by numerous online media outlets. He parses recently published numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau and provides us with a framework to interpret them. There are some statements in his article which are illuminating, and others which warrant further scrutiny.'

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