Outreach focuses on dads to help end domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'The community outreach event was part of a movement to make men frontline fighters in the war to end violence against women. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the P.E.A.C.E. Initiative partnered with Edgewood, whose board of trustees committed to the issue by signing a resolution against domestic violence. The message was that men and boys have options for expressing who they are. Those present also recited a pledge of nonviolence within the family.

“We want them to know they can lift their voice and make their presence felt without aggression and violence,” P.E.A.C.E. Initiative executive director Patricia Castillo said. “Three-quarters of the men in our community are doing the right thing. They're being good papis (dads). They're doing sacred, hard, good work. We want to say, 'Thank you,' but we also want to spread that message.”'

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... as usual, female perps/male vics are left out. So is the link between gov't programs that actually *encourage* and reward women for having children outside either marriage or a committed relationship.

But it is good they're taking the time to celebrate "dadness".

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