'Awesome Alternative to Campus Feminism Celebrates Ninth Anniversary'

Article here. Excerpt:

'When looking at their course syllabi, young conservative women often find assignments that encourage them to challenge gender roles and unabashedly criticize the opposite sex. When searching for clubs to join on campus, they may find similar options — a host of feminist groups spewing a “women rule the world/men are the enemy” message. One organization, however, is continuing to provide female students with a conservative alternative.

For almost a decade now, the Network of Enlightened Women has been working to ignite a conversation on feminism and conservatism on college campuses which challenges the often misguided messages of college feminist groups. NeW celebrates its ninth anniversary this month.'

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Looks like this particular group of collegiate women who say they are conservative is clearly challenging the campus feminists' claim that they speak for the female population thereof. However I am simply pointing that "conservative" does not necessarily imply "anti-feminist". I have seen writings by women who appear very much to be conservative in values and lifestyle but yet, hold some ideas at the same time closely-associated with modern feminism.

I guess what I am saying is: everyone can be pretty much what they decide to be, ideologically, anyway. The challenge people have is to keep from confusing themselves and others by making sure their belief system is actually consistent within itself. That can be hard, at times. Even harder is manifesting your convictions in life (the very definition of "integrity"). That one's *really* hard, for anyone!

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Be careful with this one. This is a traditionalist group that also promotes chivalry, as well as its attendant traditional notions of male disposability. On their website there is an article about the sinking of the Titanic wherein NeW advocates that it was right for men to have gone down with the ship. They say (I add the arrows for emphasis):

"Chivalry is not about superiority or inferiority, and it does not trample equality. Chivalry is on a completely different level – acting out of concern and respect for those who you believe should be respected. Even biologically and anthropologically, >>>the male traditionally acts on behalf of the female because she is important – perhaps more important than himself.<<< Being a gentleman is a selfless and natural way of life, not one that diminishes women or elevates men."


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Looks like another trussed-up women-firster group. Can you imagine if a men's campus group went around insisting men's lives were inherently more valuable than women's?

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