SAVE: Tell Gov. LePage to Stop His Scary Misrepresentations of DV

Maine governor Paul LePage is passionate about ending domestic violence. We share his desire to stop abuse, but we want him to acknowledge male victims and female abusers. We want him to tell the truth.

In a recent news article LePage repeated the long-debunked "[Men] are 80 percent of the perpetrators" factoid.

The governor has stated that he experienced domestic violence as a child at the hands of his father, so maybe that's why he has fallen for "bad stats" that paint men as monsters and ignore female perpetrators. We have compassion for him. But he's an elected official now, and he should be offering accurate information, not pushing a political agenda.

Hundreds of studies have shown that both genders commit domestic violence in similar numbers. Intimate partner abuse is not a gender crime. Both men and women are capable of hurting each other. And both can be victims.

Please contact Gov. LePage and ask him to give a revised statement about domestic violence immediately.

Contact Governor LePage:

On behalf of everyone hurt by domestic violence, thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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I think Biden has serious competition for the titles "Gaffemeister-In-Chief" and "Lord-God-King of Dumb Stuff No One Can Believe He Just Said".

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