Women are too quick to put men down and should embrace chivalry, says Jilly Cooper

Article here. Excerpt:

'Her novels are perhaps too racy to be considered as portraying a traditional view of romance.

But Jilly Cooper says modern women should be more willing to embrace the virtues of old-fashioned chivalry.

The best-selling author criticised women for being too quick to ‘put men down’ with a constant bashing that has left them ‘brow-beaten’.
She said it was a shame that modern couples rushed to have children out of wedlock. ‘Nobody seems to mention the word love any more. They just talk about having sex and women are having babies and not bothering to have husbands any more,’ she said.
Mrs Cooper has never shied away from taking a traditional view of relationships. In 1969 she wrote How To Stay Married, which controversially advised women to turn a blind eye to a husband’s infidelity.

In the 1990s she discovered that her husband Leo had enjoyed a six-year affair.

Their marriage survived and Mrs Cooper now cares for Leo, 79, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease more than a decade ago, at their home in Gloucestershire.'


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I don't know where to begin. Let me just list my thoughts and leave it at that:

1. Agreed, no need for women to run around putting down men to make themselves feel better, or for whatever other reason. It's nasty, and if it's bad enough, abusive, especially in a personal relationship.
2. Chivalry in this day and age isn't a relevant concept. Mutual respect is, but not "chivalry".
3. Putting up with spousal/mate infidelity is generally not a good thing-- unless you have a "mutual understanding" for whatever reason. Of course, it's between the couple. But overall to simply assume that it's fine for a man to be unfaithful because he is a man while it isn't for a woman because she is a woman is a nasty 2x-standard. If you both want to be free to color outside the fidelity lines and you both agree it's OK, then fine, have fun. But personally, I don't see the fairness in a 2x-standard with it and no one ought to be *expected* to put up with it.

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It's hard to know for sure what she meant about women learning to turn their heads at their husband's infidelity, but If I had to guess, I would say she meant that infidelity should not be an automatic marriage killer. So many people think that cheating is a free pass to throw away a marriage. (it is a breach of trust which isn't good, but staying together may be best for the husband, wife and children)

As far as double standards regarding men cheating vs woman cheating. I stick with what I have said here many times: I am not one who believes in equality, as I believe most inequalities are caused by biology. Is it fair?...no, but look around and you will see that nature is neither "fair" nor "equal" when creating the two genders.

Individual couples may handle infidelity any way they want or agree to, but generally speaking promiscuous women are more harmful to society compared to promiscuous men. (they hinder the formation of healthy families and healthy families = healthy society). The characteristics a woman needs to attract a sexual partner is nothing other than a working vagina, however a man usually needs to be successful or productive in society to attract sexual partners.

IMO, this biological difference must be considered when forming attitudes about cheating and promiscuity...and since we are biological creatures it will be an uphill battle to try and change things, Although feminists are trying really hard to convince us that double standards shouldn't be tolerated and females should never be shamed for their sexual indiscretions.

My overall take of the article is that I generally agree with Ms. Cooper's advice.

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