'A Feminist's Dream Date'

Video here.

"This is what a date would be like if men treated women with absolute equality..."

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Funny to see the gender role whack-out in action. But actually, I don't see this is a feminist's dream date. Remember, feminists want "equality" only when it benefits women. So when it comes to dates, they still want men to do all the inviting, the paying-for, picking up and driving, etc. So really, I wouldn't say this clip represents a feminist dream date.

But kudos to the people who filmed it. =)

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Men and women will never treat each other equally in the dating game as long as they are biologically unequal....and there's nothing wrong with it.

If you want to show what it is like to turn the tables on the genders you could also show the guy worrying about slut-shaming, going to the doctor for his birth control exam/appointment, worrying about possible pregnancy (his lifestyle as he knows it comes to a halt. No more sports, drinking, etc, and does he know who the mother is, or did he sleep around?), show him worrying about getting abandoned while pregnant, etc.

Until women have the same sex drive as men and men have the same ability and risk of pregnancy from having sex, you will not see equal treatment while dating. Men and women are different. Either accept it, or don't expect to date.

The video was funny, but lets face it, the differences in male and female approaches to dating are biological not social construct. It's not gonna change.

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Men are only 4 out of 10 people on campus.

Then, figuring in that some women are lesbians but many more men - relatively - are gay, we can assume the figure drops to 3 straight men for every 6 straight women.

Men are in demand. They should act on this on campus. Do NOT be fooled by the Women's Centers. Make your feelings known.

(And, when, by the way, will men on campus start to sue for a mens' center - one not run by the feminists - under the equality of Title 9)

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This video was not really a feminist's dream, it was the popularized myth of a feminist's dream. Feminists are supposedly all about equality and there being no difference between the sexes. As Kris suggests, there's no getting around the differences. The real feminist's dream is all sorts of special privileges for women. Men would be restricted to their traditional role of provider, initiator of sexual advances, etc. Meanwhile women would have the option to follow their traditional role or not, whenever they wish, without notice or the need to justify their behavior. They would never be challenged, and they would be given free reign to exploit the system however they so chose.

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I get the points being made, but I think this is one of the reasons MRAs get looked at poorly. They could have done a much more positive video with both people 'contributing' to the date as equals, but it ended up coming across as dickish. The strongest point was the expectation that he would be paying for the date. The part about her expecting to be picked up could have been replaced with her having to pick him up instead and still made the point.

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