More vasectomies during recession

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'The financial crisis of 2008 and lingering economic woes are having an impact on men's reproductive decisions, new research suggests.

"With the current recession, it's pushing more guys to get a vasectomy done," said study author Dr Anand Shridharani, a men's reproductive and sexual health specialist at Erlanger Health System, in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Many urologists reported in 2009 that they were fielding more requests for vasectomies, suspecting the downturn in the economy as a reason and Shridharani's team attempted to find numbers to back up the reported trend.
"Comparing the number of vasectomies performed per year from 2005 to 2008 versus 2009 to 2012, the difference [an increase] is statistically significant," he said.

"The suspected reason is that having an unexpected child would increase the cost of living," he noted.

"People are having children older, and older people are more in tune with what children cost," Shridharani suggested.'

Relatedly: 1 000 vasectomies to be done in 1 day

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