Harvard Business Review Blog recognizes male overwork and diversity

Interesting article on the HBR blog that recognizes that men overwork (and earn more) and that millennial men may be rejecting the program. Excerpt:

'While the media, consumed with the idea of “mommy wars” and “queen bees,” has largely missed the tug of war that has emerged among men, sociologists have been busy uncovering the change. Statements like that of the Silicon Valley engineer who expressed resentment at his manager’s demands by saying, “[he] doesn’t have two kids and a wife, he has people that live in his house, that’s basically what he has,” as reported by Marianne Cooper, are increasingly common among younger men. “It’s akin to winning a pie-eating contest where the prize is more pie,” observed a law firm associate, rejecting law firm partnership as a goal.
What’s intriguing is that many younger men won’t play the game. Kellogg studied four Boston hospitals’ response to a new accreditation requirement that surgical residents be limited to 80 hours a week, down from the traditional 120-hour schedule.

Women supported the new 80-hour rule—no surprise—but so did many Millennial men. Kellogg found three main groups of such men:'

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