A Response to Feminism

I was surprised to find recently an article on the hugely sexist online paper "The Huffington Post" which pretty much nailed it in terms of responding to Feminism. It was written by a woman as well which made it that much more satisfying to see. Excerpt:

'I am not a feminist. I cannot support a movement that asks for special treatment rather than equal treatment, and I do not understand why anyone would. If feminism is about equality, then why not just be an egalitarian? If feminism does so much for the female sex, then why do six out of seven women reject the term "feminist" altogether?
If men and women have equal rights when it comes to freedom of speech, property, education, employment, voting and healthcare, then what more are UK feminists going to achieve by holding up a whiteboard or boycotting Twitter for a day? In order to restore feminism to its once powerful, transformative status, it needs to be extended to countries that are still decades behind the Western world in terms of women's liberation. Then, perhaps, I too could call myself a feminist.'

With the paper being so biased normally I wouldn't have thought they would have let it ride but they did have a look at this. One of the best articles I have seen in a long time and really very refreshing.

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