UK: Only girls allowed for new car course to get women up to speed

Article here. Excerpt:

'WOMEN in the county have been getting to grips with a traditionally male pastime by rooting around under car bonnets.

A girls-only car maintenance course proved a big hit when it came to Gloucester.
"We had the chance to change the brake fluid and the course involved hands-on demonstrations, which made it easier to learn.

"The assistant taught us what to do if we ever broke down, which thankfully has not happened to me."

The lady drivers also learned how to change a tyre.

Samantha said the women-only idea was a winner, and that with the attendees being all female, she felt they had a greater opportunity to learn.

"It was nice to have just women at the course because men can sometimes take over," she said.

"My partner usually looks after the car and its maintenance, but this has improved my confidence."'

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... there ought to be nursing classes that are men-only since nursing is <<SO DOMINATED>> by women and women have this tendency to "just take over" when in the subject. So to make it easier for male nursing students, female ones ought to be excluded from male-only special set-aside classes. Especially during a down economy.


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