Factual Missteps Are Slowing National Campaign to End Partner Abuse, SAVE Says

Press release here. Excerpt:

WASHINGTON / October 1, 2013 – Victim-advocacy group Stop Abusive and Violent Environments warns that factual errors and misrepresentations in public education efforts sponsored by domestic violence organizations may represent an obstacle in the on-going effort to rid the nation of domestic violence. SAVE issues the alert in conjunction with Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which is observed in October each year.

The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge (PASK) project, a summary of over 1,700 domestic violence research studies, concludes that mutual abuse among partners is commonplace, and men and women engage in partner aggression at similar rates: http://domesticviolenceresearch.org/

Despite the PASK findings, SAVE notes some domestic violence organizations continue to ignore the problem of mutual abuse and minimize female-initiated aggression: www.saveservices.org/camp/truth/. Some groups maintain that domestic violence is an expression of patriarchal power, a stance that ignores the plight of thousands of women caught in abusive same-sex relationships.'

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