Man Shielded Daughter as Rock Slide Killed Him

Story here. With all the news on bad fathers, we should all note this news story. A father sacrifices his life to save his daughter. Excerpt:

'A 13-year-old girl, the lone survivor of a rock slide that killed five people in Colorado, said her father used his body as a shield to protect her when the rocks came crashing down, according to police.
"I heard a scream next to me. I saw a hand sticking out underneath the boulder," Tolsma said of Gracie. "The true hero is her dad. She said her dad jumped on her to protect her at the last moment when the rocks were coming down. I think he saved her life."

Gracie's father, a high school football coach, her mother and a sister died, sources told ABC News. The other victims and their identities have not been officially released.'

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