The Current Job Market Is Shockingly Bad For 20-Something Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Great Recession was disastrous across all worker demographics, but it was especially bad for men in their 20s.
"For men, this is kind of a wake up call," says Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown CEW. "The prospects are declining and what prospects there are aren't going to last. It's taking a while for the blue-collar economy to melt down, but it's melting."

In the last decade, the share of men ages 26 to 30 employed full-time fell from 80% in 2000 to 65% in 2012, the study finds. Over the same period, the proportion of women employed full-time in that age bracket also declined, but only from 56% to 50% — a drop of six percentage points as opposed to men's 15:'

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