Kenya: Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections

Article here. Excerpt:

'KENYA:The prevalence of HIV and Aids rose in Nyanza and Central provinces, according to the Kenya Aids Indicative Survey released by the Health Cabinet Secretary James Macharia on Tuesday.

But Central’s 3.8 per cent prevalence increase from the previous 3.6 per cent is a mere fraction of Nyanza’s 15.1 per cent up from 2007’s 14.9 per cent.

Nyanza’s prevalence is big enough to double the national average prevalence.

And it has happened in spite of an aggressive campaign to have male circumcision as a strategy to reduce new infections in the region.

According to the KAIS 2012 survey, male circumcision among men aged 15-64 years in Nyanza increased by 18 per cent.

According to Macharia, this represents a new 600,000 males from Nyanza joining the community of the circumcised.

“Circumcision was a taboo in this part of the country then, but today it’s the norm,” said Macharia, who claimed this development has helped reduce new infections.

But his remarks are a contrast to what the statistics show.
But the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Programme Manager at the National Aids Control Council, Dr Athanasius Ochieng’, is quick to allay the fears.

“The 2001 and 2013 figures are statistically the same and is proof that male circumcision has actually stabilised prevalence by preventing new infections,” says Dr Ochieng.

He notes that a research conducted in Kisumu County three years ago showed that circumcised males had less exposure to risky behaviour.'

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"Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Programme Manager"

I doubt a message from on high emanating with a booming voice from parted clouds could change his opinion. When was the last time you argued yourself out of a job no matter how counter- or un-productive it was?

Cutting off pieces of genitalia does not reduce the capabilities of viruses to jump from them onto/into other people's genitalia or other body parts. Why simple common sense does not prevail in this rather straight-forward situation is beyond me. But really, look at the state of our Congress here on the eve of Shutdown 2013. Common sense hardly prevails in the world today nor do I have any evidence from history to tell me it ever really did. SSDD.

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