Bloomberg agency combats domestic violence with warning ads for women in subways, bus system

Story here. Excerpt:

'A city agency created by Mayor Bloomberg to combat domestic violence plans to paper subways and the bus system with dire warnings to women who may not realize they’re being abused.

“Broken, threatened, put-down, scared,” the stark ads ask against the backdrop of a woman crying. “If you feel any of these in your relationship, that’s abuse.”

The ads from the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence, which will start appearing in subways and on bus shelters Thursday, are part of a campaign called “That’s Abuse” that aims to encourage women in abusive relationships to seek help before the situation becomes violent.'

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... no mention of male victims despite the fact that men in relationships get as much of what these posters are talking about as women, perhaps more. But yet, the silence is deafening.

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It's just another example, showing how dedicated the corrupt, gender feminized government of NYC is to Witch-Hunting Males

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