SAVE: In Wake of New Orleans Prosecutor Scandal, CPI Calls for Strong Oversight Measures

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / September 25, 2013 – Following last week’s revelations of “grotesque prosecutorial misconduct” in a New Orleans police shooting case, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity (CPI) is releasing a new report that calls for strong oversight measures designed to assure ethical prosecutor conduct and stop wrongful convictions.

The report, Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform, lays out 20 reforms designed to enhance the accountability of local, state, and federal prosecutors. The reforms are intended to correct prosecutor abuses in such areas as over-charging of suspects, concealing evidence, and coercing witnesses.

The report is intended for lawmakers, legal oversight boards, and other stakeholders in the criminal justice system. Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform is available here:'

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