Doctors say HPV vaccine important for men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may be a vaccine patients passed up but could have gotten because it can prevent cancer. It's the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Illinois ranks almost last in girls who are getting the vaccine and doctors said that could be a mistake because it prevents certain types of cancers in both men and women.
Because HPV cancers are showing up in the mouth, throat and anal areas. Cancers that are in both men and women.

"We're picking up more of those cancers unfortunately because we're seeing a lot more of oral and anal intercourse," Campbell said.

"It's all about protection," Diericx said.

And it's also about prevention, getting vaccinated before someone is sexually active.'

From Aug. 2012:
The 8 Preventive Health Services that Women Start Getting Free Today


'Starting today, about 47 million American women will have access to free preventive health services as part of a new provision in President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Comprehensive preventive care coverage will now be provided for insured women enrolling in new health care plans or renewing their existing policies on or after Aug. 1, 2012.

  • HPV DNA testing: Women who are 30 or older will now have access to high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing every three years, regardless of Pap smear results. Early screening, detection and treatment have been shown to help reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer.'
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