Why is the gender wage gap stuck?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women in full-time, year-round jobs still make 77 cents for every dollar men make, said the U.S. Census Bureau this week — a zero percent change since 2002.

Full-time male workers brought in median annual earnings of $49,398 in 2012, compared with $37,791 for females. That's almost an $11,500 difference in yearly median wages.

So why has the gap remained unchanged (with the exception of one cent fluctuations in 2003 and 2007) for 11 years?

Discrimination plays a role, yes, but "analysts caution that the annual earnings comparison is a crude measure of a complex reality," says Brenda Cronin in The Wall Street Journal.'

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The only class of person routinely discriminated against in US society openly and unapologetically are men.

Along with the wage gap myth goes the routine discrimination myth. Who says modern society lacks myths? We have them, they just don't include talking animals and such (though we'd be better off w/ those instead of the kind we have).

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is that women probably have to take more time off
to train and fight in that 'war on women' I've heard so much about.

if only sitting on one's ever expanding arse in an office w/ plenty
of a/c, heat and flushing toilets paid as much as a cold/hot, water
filled trench or climbing that 50' pole and handling live wires, women could make as much as a man.

that's what all those gender based laws say feminist lawmakers keep proposing.
once a secretary makes as much as a crane operator, all will be well
in fem-ville, until the economy crashes under the considerable, always growing weight.

always a scheme going trying on to get more $$ unearned. it appears to be a very popular and profitable lifestyle, living off the labors of men. I know few working men who aren't paying a woman one way or another.

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