UK: The Fatherless Generation

Article here. Excerpt:

'I believe when a father is missing from a family an invisible screen of safety is removed, and all sorts of insecurities and problems are then allowed to enter. Will this apply to all single lone women raising children? No, but the above statistics do not lie.

Britain, with its plight of the fatherless represents how the spirit of the country feels as a whole. There is emptiness, that there is no genuine loving strength surrounding you. Looking out for you. It is a spiritual dilemma as well as a physical one. People sense it, but don’t know what it is.

Fathers need to be reunited and encouraged to be with their children as much as possible. Men need to be reinstated to their importance within society and in the family, which I believe has been overlooked at the expense of promoting the equality of women over the course of 50 years.

The British male now often lives in secret servitude and fear to his wife who confidently knows without any doubt she ultimately has the winning upper hand with the custody of children should relationships not go how they wish.'

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