'Men – listen up, it's time we stopped apologizing for being who we are...'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The increasing regularity with which men are handbagged by feminist campaigners who constantly, endlessly, ubiquitously bang on about how they don't have a voice has become so prevalent that it's now laughable rather than annoying – although if the correspondence I receive from readers is anything to go by, male and female alike, they don't like being ballyragged by a bunch of birds with an agenda.
We've seen this ill-informed and badly articulated misandry with the numerous declarations that men are losing respect for women and are now becoming porn obsessed moral degenerates who, according to one recent commentator in these pages: "look at videos of women being half murdered."
Here's an idea, a crazy one that might cause hot flushes and gasps of consternation – being a woman does not make you special. It does not confer on you an automatic wisdom beyond your chromosomatic rivals.'

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