Violence and Gender Reexamined

Prof. Richard Felson from Penn State has just released a book, Violence and Gender Reexamined, published by the American Psychological Association. Some interesting excerpts from the jacket reviews are: "Violence and Gender Reexamined challenges one of western culture’s most deeply held assumptions: That violence against women is different from violence against men. In this elegantly argued and well-researched book, author Richard Felson argues that this type of violence is rarely the result of sexism or hatred against women. The author cites research suggesting that the motives for violence against women are similar to the motives for violence against men: To gain control or retribution and to promote or defend self-image. These motives play a role in almost all violence, regardless of gender. Using a comparative method to determine how violence against women differs from violence against men, he illustrates not only that violence against women is less frequent than violence against men but also that our culture and legal system treat it more harshly." This definitely looks like an interesting book!

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